Baby Ethan – 5 months

Ethan is growing way too fast! He’s been such a joy and I can’t picture my life without him. Since my last post he’s rolled over a couple of times. He is getting so strong. He’s really starting to figure out his toys, jumper etc. He jumps like crazy now in his jumper and knows how to move/pull his toys to make noise. He is much more alert and aware of things going on around him.

He’s been saying ‘mama’. He is definitely not referring to me when he says it, but says that sound over and over. I love it! He does a ‘fake cough’ when he wants attention. He definitely knows how to work his dad and I.

We’ve introduced rice cereal which he eats pretty well. I have the baby food book from Williams & Sonoma, so I’ll probably start making some baby food soon.

Ethan is really easy to take places. He loves getting in the baby bjorn and just takes everything in around him. At restaurants he isn’t happy sitting in his carseat anymore (for the most part) so he’ll sit on my lap. He really likes to be a part of things.

We took him to Bass Lake for the 4th of July last weekend. He pretty much slept the whole way there and back (with a short stop half way to feed him). The drive was about 6 hours. He was in such a great mood all weekend. We had a big group of people with us there and he was quite content moving from arm to arm. He got to spend lots of quality time with his grandma, grandpas and uncles. He watched his first fireworks show which was absolutely adorable! He watched intently for most of the show. He nodded off right before the grand finale, but woke up from the noise to watch the end of the show.

I’m hoping he stays this mellow as we booked tickets for Portugal in September. I’m sure it will be interesting but I know we’ll make it work. I have family near Lisbon so I’m sure they’ll be a big help once we get there. We have an appointment on Tuesday to get his passport. I can’t wait to get it 🙂 I know it will be so cute!

We bought a pop up tent for him for the beach. It’s perfect. It sets up quickly and he enjoys hanging out in there. They say you shouldn’t use sunscreen until they are 6 months, so it’s a good way to keep him shaded.  We are heading to Santa Cruz at the end of the month, so I’m sure we’ll use it the whole time we’re there.

That’s all for now. Will update again soon.